Well, that's, that. 2017 is in the books for me and I can say actually say that I already miss the planning, scheduling, organizing, and traveling, among other things. Honestly, though, the biggest part I miss is the sites, sounds, and the building of relationships at the track. 2017 didn't go exactly as planned, hell it wasn't even close, but I still feel that it was somewhat successful, especially in the something to build off of area; it's funny how things work sometimes; expected or not. So, without further ado, let's see just how big of a geek I am and let me break down my season.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
The Final Push
Hey everyone! I know it has been a few weeks since my last post but I've been pretty busy trying to take care of private life stuff as well as coming up with a plan to finish out the season. If you were to ask me back in February what I would be doing shooting wise, I would have told you that I really didn't have a clue. I knew what I wanted to do but I didn't really have a plan to make that happen. I took a couple leaps of faith and it has paid dividends with getting to a lot more races and tracks than I would have guessed. I'm in the final few events of the year for me and am already making out a schedule for possible events next year. So, with that said, let's look at what I have planned for the rest of this year.
Monday, October 2, 2017
What's In a Name
You know, surprisingly the question that I hardly ever, if ever, get asked is how I came up with the name "JBHotShots." One would think something like that would be questioned, and quite often. So I'm going to explain something that apparently doesn't need to be explained. Really I'm grasping at straws for something to write about. LOL
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
2018 Calendar Update
A few months ago I tossed out the idea to make a calendar and I just wanted to take some time to update everyone on what is going on with it. The main point of this post is to let everyone know that I am still wanting to move forward with the project, I haven't forgotten about it, I have just had the opportunity to shoot so many more races as of recently that I hadn't worked on it much.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
So We Did A Thing
For the past several years I have been wanting to expand on my photography by implementing some video into my repertoire. I started out by adding some GoPro footage, then some post race interviews that I did with a street stock series I worked with while I lived in Texas, and then moved to montages of the aforementioned series. This past weekend I took a huge step and did my first ever interview.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
OPINION: Let's Say Thank You
Being a promoter is an often thankless job that almost no one understands the importance of one until they shutter the doors. Even then, most people will point the finger at the promoter as being at fault for the demise when it is often things they can't control that end up bring a close to the facility or series; rain outs, scheduling conflicts with other events in the area or tracks, or deaths in the family, just to name a few. Just because you don't run a night, it doesn't mean the bills don't have to be paid and that would imply that most promoters want to run as often as possible.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Upcoming Schedule
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to get some information out of my upcoming schedule for events that I am planning on shooting. Of course, this is all subject to change, but it will give you all an idea of my commitment to supporting the sport we all love. I have my limitations due to my wife being in the Army and the unpredictable work schedule but I will do as much as possible to work around that to attend as many events as possible.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Don't Call It A Comeback, Well Kinda
Well, check it out! Guess who decided to give this blogging thing a go again. Yup, this guy! So much has happened over the six plus months since my last post and I feel like I can try to give you quality posts. Some things, however, haven't changed. I'm still Jamie, I'm still not comfortable doing this, which I hope will change over time, my grammar is still going to be lacking, and I'm definitely still goofy as ever. With that said, let's get this ball rolling!!!
Friday, March 3, 2017
I've Got Nothing
Today has been rough. No sleep. No energy. Feeling a little defeated and slightly unaccomplished. I've tried to write two blogs and realized about halfway through both of them no one wants to read that garbage. Hell, no one really reads the stuff that I think is good. LOL
Thursday, March 2, 2017
My NASCAR Daytona Trip
week I was able to go to Florida for my first ever trip to Daytona for
Speedweeks. My dad has been going to the Duel races for a few years now
and this year I was FINALLY able to go with him being that I live closer
to them since leaving for the Army in 2003. It was a fun filled trip
that I really needed for several reasons; needing to see family and
getting my racing fix! Here is my trip in pictures and videos!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Guess Who's Back!!!
Well it sure isn't Santa Clause! LOL And since I failed to get any posts in while I was down in sunny Florida, it does seem like I haven't done this in a while. Seriously though, I'm trying to be consistent with this and sometimes things, like trips to see your family, take precedent and I'm sure you all understand.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Leavin' On a Jet Plane
Oh yeah, baby!!! This dude is headed out for a trip to see my parents today and I'm pretty stoked. With that said, I may not be blogging as usual but I will definitely be using Facebook as that is my go to.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Technical Tuesday 2/21/17
It's Tuesday so we know what that means, tacos for dinner! LOL No seriously, that's probably what is for dinner. It is also Technical Tuesday because I guess that can be a thing. I wasn't sure if it would be something that I would keep doing and even if I did, I'm wasn't sure of how often it will be happening. I do know that the first one was met with some descent interest and the original plan was to cover the camera system basics so it only makes sense to cover the another important component in back-to-back weeks.
Monday, February 20, 2017
She Played to My Heart
My wife is a trip and I love her for it. Actually, she is quite crazy! A couple of years ago she started making spoof videos of songs that she would write to the tune of a popular song. Everyone loved them and have been hounding her to make some more, she hasn't made one in quite awhile. Apparently she really loves he sister as she put a request in and made a new one on Friday night.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Happy Friday!!!
Just a quick blog today wishing everyone has a great long(ish) weekend! I have some stuff in the works so that is why there wasn't a blog yesterday and short one today. I hope to have some information next week on things that I hope to be doing with my photography but I don't want to put the buggy before the horse.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Valentine's Do What?
What in the world is all the fuss about over Valentine's Day? I mean, does anyone really need a day to show their undying love for their significant other? I don't, at least not in the way most others celebrate it. No fancy dinners; no gifts; no chocolates, jewelry, or flowers. My wife is a simple woman, in a good way, and it really pays off on days like yesterday. While most other people were scrambling around for their gifts, I tried to win her heart over with a couple of her favorites.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Technical Tuesday
Monday, February 13, 2017
Photographer Courtesy
Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I had a pretty good weekend, even though my wife had a 24 hour duty on Saturday, but all-in-all I can't complain. I did have something happen to me on Friday night that I want to talk about and is something that I have never had happen to me before but have heard it happening to other photographers. I just want to take a second and explain why you should never ask, or expect, a photographer to give you all of their images straight from the camera before they leave the shoot/event.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Decisions, Decisions
This adulting thing is getting to be for the birds! OK, not really; but the decision making process with things related to my business is really going to drive me to drink...more! LOL
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Motivation Is a Powerful Thing
To say that I am motivated would be an understatement. Actually, I don't even know if that is possible, let me go check. OK, so I checked and it is my belief that motivated is the pinnacle of drive.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Top 5 Favorite Tracks to Photograph At
I've finally got around to doing a Top Five list and I'm going to start with some tracks. I've been to a lot of tracks around the country but these are ones that I love(d) to photograph at. So let's go and I'll explain why I chose each track.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Well, well, well; guess who FINALLY got their Arby's today? After a few jabs thrown at me by my friends about them having some, I got my fill today! And if you aren't sure what I'm talking about, go check out this blog for reference. LOL
Friday, February 3, 2017
She Loves Me, She Really Loves Me!!!
Man, what a hectic couple of days I have had; all in a good way. I was able to finish up the process of becoming a 100% legit photography business in NC on Wednesday and yesterday was mine and my wife's 13th anniversary!
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Superbowl LI 2017
Is it me, or is this year's Superbowl seem to be getting a lot less attention than ones in recent history? I know it is getting coverage and will be watched by like a bagazillion people but the lead up just doesn't seem to have the hype, IMO.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
New Look!!!
I'm feeling pretty accomplished today as I was able to release my new logo for my new look across the interwebs. I've had the idea for some time since my last logo was a hastily done on my part. I put a lot of time and thought into this one and got a lot of help from friends and family!
Friday, January 27, 2017
What A Week!
Talk about a rough week! I wish I could have a redo but this time not get sick, and when I say sick, I mean sick. I can't even remember the last time I was this sick. That's why I haven't been keeping up with this like I would like to but I have either been laid up in bed or on the recliner and the blog was a total after thought.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
20 Year Class Reunion
Don't ask me why but this morning I woke up feeling in a somewhat nostalgic mood. I can't explain it but I followed it and got me to thinking even more about an impending anniversary that I honestly can't believe is really upon us, our 20th year class reunion; shout out to class of '97!!!
Monday, January 23, 2017
Road Trip!!!
This past weekend the wife and I went on little road trip to catch a Breaking Benjamin concert. This was kind of a surprise thing from her. I say kind of because she didn't want me to be surprised when I saw the bill and had to pay for it without telling me. LOL
Friday, January 20, 2017
"High Fidelity" style Top 5's
How many of you have seen the movie High Fidelity? I think it's a pretty good movie that I take away the music more than the romantic comedy part from it. Jack Black does a phenomenal job in it and I would say that it is the movie that arguably made his career. The other part that I take way, and why I am referencing it, is the Top 5 lists the create on various music topics, hence why I think I like it more for the music than the romantic theme. I like the movie so much that I actually own the soundtrack in CD format. LOL
Thursday, January 19, 2017
So. Damn. Difficult.
This is one of those blogs where it is strictly my opinion and it is emotionally charged so it is probably wrong. That's OK because hopefully it is a conversation starter as well as me just being able to vent to clear my head.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Business NOT as Usual
For a very long time I have prided myself on being a quality and customer satisfaction driven photographer. Was I perfect? ABSOLUTELY not! But I have learned from my mistakes and feel like I have continually gotten better in both areas. My work has improved over the years, at least I'd like to think so, and me paying attention to clients or prospective clients wants and needs has also come a long way. I also take time to try to educate clients on how some things work or won't work and why, without getting too winded or boring. OK, winded probably happens but that is just who I am. LOL
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
"All My Friends"
What a great birthday weekend!!! Lot's of amazing food made by my wife; lots, I mean LOTS of adult beverages; and the kind of surprise lunch/brunch with my friends, it's the thought that counts for sure. I'm super grateful and blessed to be so lucky to have met some really amazing people in my life to help celebrate the good times and pick me up when I get knocked down.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Aye, Shawty, It's Your Birthday
OK, well maybe it isn't yours but today is mine. I had a stellar weekend and was able to celebrate with some really great people. Lot's of food, adult beverages, and sort of a surprise lunch; it's the thought that counts. LOL
Friday, January 13, 2017
The Deed Is Done
Some days you feel like your the bat and some days you are the ball. Far too many of my days I have spent feeling like the ball and I'm over it. I've taken steps, now, that I will have no one else to blame but myself and my own actions. What is all of this about?
Let's Jump!
If you don't know, I'm kind of a Facebook fanatic. Sure it has it's downside with all of the negative, hyper-political, and shamming posts that you will come across or see day-to-day; but it can also have a very positive use. Staying connected to family; connecting with friends from your childhood; and every once in awhile you will find a "diamond in the rough" posts or people that reminds you that there are good people in the world that do want to see you succeed in life.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
I have a total appreciation for succeeding and overcoming adversity. It makes the accomplishment that much more rewarding. I'm not afraid of a challenge, I just don't like when things aren't as cut and dry as I think they SHOULD be.
She Tried to Hide the Evidence
My wife works a lot of hours, I mean a lot. Typically she is out the door and on her way before 0600 and usually doesn't get home until after 1700, or 5PM for you civilians. LOL We also don't live close to her job so she either has to take lunch or she can choose from a variety of fast food restaurants near where she works. Well the other day she decided she would go eat at a local eatery.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
So is the Life
After leaving for the Army I have lived in almost every possible living situation you could. I have lived in barracks, an apartment in Korea where the landlord didn't speak a lick of English and the only Korean I knew was slang or enough to get me home in taxi, an apartment, rented a house, owned a house, and have been living in on post housing our last duty station and this, our most recent assignment.
My Shameless Self Promotion
This blog, as new as it is to me, is not my only way of communicating with people that follow my work. I use just about all of the mainstream social media platforms and I try to use each one in different way.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
How It All Started
I stated in my first blog, I am currently in the process of setting up
my photography business where I live. This is a very nerve wracking time
for me. I'm not very good with change but this is a HUGE change for me
and my family. Maybe I'm making it into something that is bigger than it
really is? If that is the case then this all should be easy peasy once I
really get going.
Welcome to my first ever blog. Yes I have Facebook; yes I run a couple of Facebook Pages related to my photography; yes I have Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Snapchat. If I have all of that then why do I need to do this blog? I wanted something, or somewhere, I could dedicate to my feelings, thoughts, and experiences.
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